Animal Card Readings

“If you talk to the animals, they will talk with you and you will know each other.” ~Chief Dan George

Animal Card Readings

Discover which animals are walking beside you today. Are you ready to hear their messages of wisdom and guidance?

Animal energy is all around us every day, even if we do not live in the wilderness. Animals are connected to All That Is and we are also connected to that same web of energy. The Universe is constantly sending us signs and messages through nature and animals, but we often overlook these as unimportant. Wisdom is in plain sight and yet, we walk past it and continue searching for answers outside of ourselves. Our animal teachers reach out to us in numerous ways through visual sightings, images in books and movies, phrases in songs, conversations with friends, unexpected gifts and night time dreams.

Animal card readings are a self-awareness tool, designed to assist you in hearing and interpreting the messages from your animal allies. The animal cards take you on a journey of self-discovery, strengthening your connection to the animals and the Earth – allowing you to tap into your own intuition, inner wisdom and truth at a deep Soul level.

I begin each Animal Card Reading by connecting with your energy and guiding you through a grounding and energy clearing process, so that your heart is open to receiving the messages that come through during your reading. You may come to the reading with a specific question or life issue that you wish to explore, but many individuals simply ask the Universe and the animals to share the information and energy that is most important for them to receive in that moment.

Individual animal cards are chosen and placed in a divination spread, like oracle card readings or tarot card readings. As the cards are turned over and your animal allies reveal themselves, I will guide you through each card in the spread. It is important for you to understand that my role is not to provide you with answers from the cards, but to assist you in connecting with your own inner wisdom, intuition and guidance. I will share the meaning of each card, as written in deck guidebooks, as well as my own understanding of the essence and energy of the animal card. At times, intuitive information may come through from the animal and I will share that with you as well. I may ask you questions, offer suggestions and prompt you to reach deep into your spiritual being to connect with the energy of the animal and their spirit.

An Animal Card Reading is a path to spiritual exploration and growth. I promise your Soul remembers the way. Step onto the path, the animals are waiting for you…

“Every animal has a story to tell.”
~Ted Andrews, author of Animal Speak

Foxie Animal Cards
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