About Valerie

“Shine like the whole Universe is yours.”

Welcome Soul Friend,

I’m happy you’ve found your way to this sacred space. Please know that you are safe, heard, valued, accepted unconditionally and loved very deeply here. It’s not a coincidence that you have arrived in this spot – it’s not a coincidence that your path is crossing mine. The Universe is always whispering to us and nudging us closer to the things, places, people, animals, beings and experiences that will light up our Soul and fill our hearts with peace and love.

I’m the founder of WillowHawk LLC, a heart centered spiritual business, designed to assist you in hearing messages from the Universe, nature, the animals and your Soul – messages that will bring you back to your true authentic self – messages that will assist you in shining your light out into the world. It is my honor and greatest joy to assist you on your Soul’s journey.

My Soul Friend, what do you want to know about me? I could tell you pages of information about myself, my credentials, my education, my life experiences, my training, my background, my stories and more. But what will those written words on a web page really mean to you. Will they tell you who I truly am? 

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Will they show you that I’m the right person to work with? I don’t think so, because you simply have to FEEL it in your heart - sense it, know it or hear it in your Soul. So, I encourage you to feel into the energy of who I am, the values my business holds dear and the intentions behind my services. I’m confident that you will find love, integrity, safety, healing, acceptance, inclusion, and peace. Explore the website - the quotes, the poetry, the photos – the ENERGY of it – because it will give you a glimpse of who I am and what touches my heart. I promise that you will know if this space is a good fit for you. Trust yourself. Listen to yourself. And above all, love yourself enough to make the choice that is right for you.

I believe we teach what we need to learn. And honestly, I’m still learning to listen to my own Soul. I’m still learning how to fully love myself. I’m still learning that I need to fill my own inner well, in order to continue giving to others. I’m still learning that as I change myself, I change the world. I’m better at it now. I have plenty of ideas, tips and suggestions I can share with you. I can guide you around a few of the holes in the road. I can keep you company on your spiritual journey, so you don’t feel so alone. I can listen to your challenges with an open heart and offer you a comforting hand to hold when you need one the most.

I’m not perfect. I’m a down to earth, real person, living through some of the same challenges you face every day. I know what it’s like to go to a traditional job every day that you don’t love, knowing it’s the best choice you can make at that moment to feed and care for your loved ones. I’ve experienced that moment when you wake up and look around at the ruins of your life and wonder, how the hell did I get here?!? I’m a woman entering her senior years, who is a little ragged with wear, but still beautiful inside. I don’t have all the answers and not all of my days are filled with unicorns and rainbows. I have days when I swear up a storm – days that really suck. I also have days when I am filled with the light of the Universe, when I soar with my Soul in the highest and most peaceful places. I have days when I am filled to the bursting point with gratitude and love as I connect with the beauty of nature and the animals. My animal companions have always been my oasis of love. I often prefer to be with them, instead of with people. Despite all that I know and all that the animals have shared with me about the afterlife, I am still a person who gets swallowed whole into a vast and empty void when my animal companions pass. And I promise myself I can’t possibly adopt another animal, because my heart will never survive when it’s time for them to leave again. But, I’m also the person, who six months later, brings home the dog that I found living under a bush, when I parked my car to go for a walk. The animals always find me, wherever I go – in parking lots, on the road, at the house, on a trip, under the porch, in the woods - and I LOVE that! I’m a tender-hearted gal, who spends her time relocating spiders and insects – gently carrying them outside when they accidentally lose their way and end up in the house. Does any of this resonate with you? Does this sound like someone you’d like to work with?

Before you go, I’d like to ask you a quick question. Did you know that you were meant to soar? It isn’t life, the Universe or any other person that clipped your wings and tethered you to the everyday world of struggle. YOU clipped your own wings through your belief that you didn’t deserve anything better! However, I have good news, my Soul Friend, because you also have the power to grow your wings again and soar. Does that frighten you or excite you? WillowHawk is gathering a Soul Tribe – a collective of those who are tired of feeling empty, powerless, trapped and disillusioned – a flock of special individuals who are brave enough to believe they are worthy of soaring with their own Souls! Will you join us?

I can hear your excuses already, churning away inside of your brain, pulling you out of your heart and into the cluttered space of your head, where it’s hard to reach out and touch the truth of who you are. I can’t afford it. I don’t have the time. It’s just a gimmick. I’ve tried everything and nothing works for me. What will my friends think?

Careful now, remember, the Universe is listening closely to you. Each time you make a choice that involves your time, money, effort and attention, you are telling the Universe what you believe is important. You communicate regarding the world you wish to live in, as well as the people and things you’d like to see in your world. Every dollar you spend is a vote for who and what you believe is important. Your choices express who and what you wish to support. Will you choose to support yourself? Will you tell the Universe that you are important? Will you ask to fly, even when you can’t seem to find your wings?

My Soul Friend, do you know that if you choose yourself there is nothing that can stop you from soaring? For you will find the money, the time, the trust and the faith to make it happen, because it is important – because YOU are important! What exactly are you telling the Universe right now through your actions and choices?

Well, just in case, I’ve reserved an amazing pair of wings for you. Are you brave enough to use them? Oh, don’t worry, you won’t be soaring alone. I’ll be soaring right beside you. The energy of the entire WillowHawk Soul Tribe will be giving you strength, helping you rise on the wind, as you climb higher and higher, in a shimmering mist of love provided by the grace and magic of the Universe.

Ok, ok, I hear you. Do you want to take a peek at the wings first and try them on for size, before making a decision? Sure, that’s not a problem. I know you have some questions and that’s understandable. We all have questions. Hey, just call me and we can chat like Soul Friends do. After we connect, I’m certain you’ll know whether these are your wings or not. Oh, my goodness, I can’t wait to see how well they fit you. I can’t wait to see how you soar. It’s going to be so beautiful…

Love and Light,


More About Valerie


  • Occupational Therapy Degree
  • 35+ years in the Human Services field


  • Certified Energy Intuitive w/Ana Maria Vasquez
  • Certified Energy Practitioner
  • Reiki Master
  • Animal Reiki Master
  • Certified Oracle Card Practitioner w/Denise Linn
  • Certified Spiritual Coach
  • Certified Professional Life Coach 
  • Certified Crystal Practitioner
  • Certified Chakra Healing Practitioner

Additional Training:

  • Sound Bath Healing
  • Crystal Singing Bowls
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Past Life Energy Modalities
  • Distance Healing
  • Scalar Wave
  • Aromatherapy
  • Flower Essence Practitioner 
  • Holistic Health for Companion Animals – flower essences, crystals, energy centers, healing touch, homeopathy, raw diet and canine nutrition
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Compassion Fatigue 
  • Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
  • Behavior Modification Strategies for at risk youth
  • Safety and Environmental Awareness for offenders
  • Safety Approaches With Manipulators - for offenders

Valerie has always had a deep, abiding love and connection to nature and animals. She is involved and devoted to animal rescue efforts; and animals in need of assistance have a way of crossing her path. Valerie has been blessed to share her life with a variety of special needs, hospice and rescued animal companions. Valerie is interested in and has explored alternative, holistic, and compassionate care for animals. WillowHawk LLC is honored to donate a percentage of all sales to animal rescue efforts and organizations.

“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.”
~Mark Anthony, poet – A Beautiful Truth

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